For Beginner's, you may get a doubts like this
1.what is the difference between UIAlertView and UIActionSheet?
2. In which scenarios we will use these controls?
Now i am going to clarify your doubts
- Alerts give users important information that affects their use of the application (or the device). Alerts are usually unexpected, because they generally tell users about a problem or a change in the current situation that might require users to take action.
Giving alert when your Mobile Battery is low,
we can also design Login form using alert View
Creating AlertView programmatically
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]
initWithTitle: @"AlertView"
message: @"Welcome To IOS Controls!"
delegate: nil
[alert show];
The above code pop an alert with a title, message and OK
button like this
If you want to know the properties and methods that are present in the Class Or Control, put the cursor on the Class and command+click.You will get that class properties and Methods.
But if you want to have more than one button on the alert
and collect user input from it? . To do that, you first need to
create a class that employs the UIAlertViewDelegate delegate
like this:
@interface PresentAlert : NSObject <UIAlertViewDelegate>
Then, in PresentAlert.m file, viewDidLoad Method create
alertView like this
UIAlertView *alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc]
initWithTitle: @"AlertView"
message: @"Welcome To IOS Controls!"
delegate: self
[alert show];
you need to override the alertView method in order to
receive input like this:
Different styles of alertView's are
a.alertView.alertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStyleSecureTextInput.
It pop an alert with textfield,the entered text will be in secure format
b. alertView.alertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStylePlainTextInput.
It pop an alert with textfield,the entered text will be plain format.
c.alertView.alertViewStyle= UIAlertViewStyleLoginAndPasswordInput.
It pop an alert with two textfield's one for user name and another one for pasword.
- Action sheets give users additional choices related to the action they are currently taking.
If you want to delete the recent call list from your mobile,
action sheet will give options like
-->Delete Dialed Calls.
-->Delete Received Calls.
-->Delete Missed Calls.
Creating UIActionSheet Programmatically